Population Association of Singapore
2024 Annual Meeting
Jointly hosted by Centre for Family and Population Research & Population Association of Singapore
16 - 17 May 2024
The Population Association of Singapore (PAS)’s 2nd Annual Meeting, co-hosted with NUS’ Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), was held on 16-17 May 2024, with the theme "Sustainable Population and Development in a New Era". The conference was graced by Guest-of-Honour Minister Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, and distinguished Keynote Speakers – Prof Wolfgang Lutz, Founding Director of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, and Dr Sabine Henning, Chief for the Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
The two-day conference which brought together more than 160 leading population researchers, community groups, industry experts, and policymakers, was a hub of intellectual exchange, innovative ideas, and vibrant networking opportunities. With over 100 papers presented on fertility, marriage, family dynamics, aging, health, education, and various other topics, the event was an enriching experience with insightful discussions and engaging sessions, as participants learned from each other.
The conference garnered significant media attention, with coverage in The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Channel 5 News, 8world, and Tamil Murasu, highlighting the impact of population research on both the academic community and broader society.
Co-host CFPR, also celebrated their remarkable 10th year anniversary at the conference with a plenary session and poster session - Singapore’s Population and Family Development: Insights from CFPR-Led Research, showcasing their key projects and achievements over the years. A symposium on Issues of Women as They Grow Older, was also hosted by PAS’ partner, Tsao Foundation.
To recognise and acknowledge the contributions students and young scholars have made to population studies, the Best Student Paper Award and the new Early Career Award were presented at the PAS Annual General Meeting, as part of the conference programme.
In the News
The Straits Times
Lianhe Zaobao
Channel 5 News [22:10 onwards]
8world News
Tamil Murasu
This conference, held in conjunction with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the NUS Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), frames trends in population and development as unfolding against the backdrop of larger era-level changes in the world today: the rise of traversal technologies such as AI and robotics, the move towards a super-aged world, the rise and persistence of between- and within-country inequalities, increasing migration, and not least, the climate crisis itself.
In this new era, what are the effects on population, in Singapore, in Asia, and beyond? On one hand, some imagine AI will lead to job disruptions including job losses that impact upon families to support children and ageing parents; yet others point more optimistically to the potential of AI to pave breakthroughs in education, healthcare, and social innovations.
This new era will see older adults outnumber younger population in many countries. It has also precipitated a rise in the chronic disease burden across societies, and alongside that, the still reverberating effects of a global COVID-19 pandemic; yet there also occurs among seniors a growing aspiration to be able to age in ways that add life to years (and not just years to life).
The growth of social inequalities has also a significant impact upon the young and old alike, shaping opportunities and constraints that affect educational attainment in the former and the ability to age with grace and peace of mind in the latter. With growing inequalities there too arises the need for societies to stay cohesive amidst polarizing forces that threaten to pull social groups and inter-generational cohorts apart.
Finally, the climate crisis, the very sustainability of population is called into question. For the young, what does climate change mean for a sustainable life on planet earth, and for older generations, what dangers might the climate crisis pose to their aspirations for health and livability? For populations to be at all sustainable, the question of TFR looms large. Will and can societies reproduce themselves to make a future possible at all?
Recognising the realities and challenges of these major shifts today, the conference aims generatively to construct a narrative and discourse around optimism and hope for the future through social scientific research that explores possibilities of changing in positive directions.
Propitiously, the conference also marks an important milestone for policymakers and population researchers as 2024 is the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), first held in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Back then, 179 governments across the globe ratified a commitment to a people-centric approach to population and development policies stressing the respect for human rights and the importance of environmental sustainability. In 2019, a UN report further called for policies and programmes for sustainable development to be grounded in an understanding of population dynamics, including changes in population size or age structure and processes of migration or urbanization. This great vision of ICPD continues to resonate into the present with a clarion call towards urgent actions to attain sustainable population and development for all.
Minister Indranee Rajah
Minister in the Prime Minister's Office
Second Minister for Finance
Second Minister for National Development
Ms. Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Finance since 2018, as well as Second Minister for National Development and Leader of the House since 2020. In the Prime Minister's Office, Ms Rajah oversees the National Population and Talent Division and assists Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean on population matters.
Ms Rajah has been the Member of Parliament for the Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency (GRC) since 2001. She was in practice as a lawyer and Senior Counsel before joining the Government.
Keynote Speakers
Deputy Director General for Science at International Institute for Applied System Analysis
Professor Wolfgang Lutz
Founding Director, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital
Wolfgang Lutz is the Interim Deputy Director General for Science for International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). In additional to the various roles he has filled at IIASA over the years, Lutz is the Founding Director of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, a cooperation between IIASA, the University of Vienna, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Professor Lutz is a leading academic in the field of population and sustainable development and was one of the scientists appointed by the UN to write the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 ‘The Future is Now’. He has won numerous prestigious awards including the Wittgenstein Prize, two European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants, the Mattei Dogan award of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), and most recently, the Science Prize of the Austrian Research Association. He is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the German National Academy Leopoldina, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), the Finnish Society for Sciences and Letters, and the Academia Europaea. He serves as special advisor to the Vice-President of the European Commission Dubravka Suica.
He has published over 293 scientific articles and chapters in refereed books, including 24 in Science, Nature, and PNAS, wrote or edited 27 books and special issues, on international population trends with a special focus on population forecasting, population-development-environment interactions, and on introducing education. He holds a PhD in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Dr Sabine Henning
Chief, Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
Sabine Henning is the Chief for the Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand. She currently leads work on population and development issues, focusing on research, capacity-building and intergovernmental support on population dynamics, ageing, migration, and youth.
From 2015-2018, Ms. Henning was Senior Population Affairs Officer and Chief, Office of the Director, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), United Nations, New York, advising the Director, overseeing personnel and programme management, and serving as focal point for the annual sessions of the Commission on Population and Development.
From 2000 to 2015, she served successively in the Population Division’s Population Estimates and Projections Section, the Population and Development Section, the Migration Section, and the Population Policy Section. She has been involved in UN interagency work and coordination for over 15 years. In addition to publishing in peer-reviewed journals, she was principal author of UNDESA’s two-volume Compendium of Recommendations on Population and Development and contributed to three revisions each of UNDESA’s flagship publications World Population Prospects and World Urbanization Prospects, also to the biennial migrant stock estimates, reports of the Secretary-General on population and development and migration and development and other UN reports. She frequently represented the UN Secretariat at international conferences and serviced numerous intergovernmental meetings and high-level events at UN Headquarters dealing with population, migration, and development issues.
Ms. Henning has a Ph.D. in Geography with a doctoral-level certificate in Demography from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a graduate-level certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard University.
Our Presenters
With over 100 papers to be presented from different countries and regions, we welcome you to register and join PAS 2024 to hear and learn from these wonderful presenters.
Our Sponsors
OUE Limited
NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Research Division
ISEAS Publishing
Springer Nature
Anonymous Donors
Conference Committee
Vincent Chua
Qiushi Feng
Jean Yeung
Committee Members
Jeofrey Bautista
Shannon Ang
Cheng Cheng
Hu Shu
Jeremy Lim
Wei Zhong
Liu Haoming
Rahul Malhotra
Maznah Binti
Mu Zheng
Paul Ong
Tsao Foundation
Tan Poh Lin
Thang Leng Leng
Kriti Vikram
Abhijit Visaria
Senhu Wang
Conference Venue
Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Auditorium, Level 2
11 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119244
Click on red pin in map for clearer view on location.
Nov 24
Abstract Submission Deadline
Jan 1
Registration Opens
Notification of Accepted / Rejected Papers
Jan 29-31
Deadline for Presenting Authors Registration
Mar 10
Early-Bird Registration Closes
Mar 10
Deadline for Presenting Authors Full Paper Upload
April 22
Registration Closes
April 30